Monday, October 1, 2007

Remember when.....

Top picture-
Easter 2006- Katie 6, Josh 4
Bottom picutre-December 2005- Josh 4, Katie 6
Nothing much has been happening in the Bowman house lately. Or not much that is blog-worthy anyway. So I found myself down memory lane instead....(Cue the fade-out!) When Josh was 3 he discovered Spiderman. It was all he talked about, what he played and what he wanted to watch (i.e. the Spiderman movie). About 2 or 3 weeks before his birthday and after much talk about his birthday plans, he suddenly declared one day that it was Peter Parker's birthday. (Spiderman's mild-mannered alter-ego.) This newly founded holiday required that mom bake a chocolate layer cake with chocolate frosting. I thought it was too cute and of course baked the cake. Now I look back and see that my son was smarter than I gave him credit for. The little schemer just wanted cake and didn't want to wait until his birthday to get it! You have to give him credit for such a creative plan though. As for Katie she has always been a little more direct and oh so serious. She has often been referred to as a mini adult. During the summer of 2005 we decided to have a yard sale. Some of the kids toys they had outgrown were part of the huge junk pile in our driveway. Katie was very excited to help me and sell her toys. We were sitting and waiting when the bargain hunters began to arrive. She gets up out of her chair and with a very heavy sigh says in her mini adult voice, "Well, I have to go to work now." There is no way I can describe it here and do it justice, but it was so hillarious and so darn cute! She really did go over and try to sell things to the customers! Most of the things she has said or done over the years to make us laugh are because they seem so out of context for a young little girl. Well, that's enough memory lane for now. I'm sure I'll visit it again for some more funny stories!


Welcome to Lulu's life. said...

LOL! That's very true about both of them. Sometimes the memories are the best things to blog, because both were stories I've never heard before.

:)Katie bug(: said...

MO-OM! =.[