Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I need your help!!!!

O.k., time to get creative people! I need a name for my tiny, but growing hoop business! I have been trying to come up with something cute but I need some help! Please post your suggestions in the comments or email me. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My favorite new hooper!

This is just too cute!!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

father & sons camp out (aka-male bonding time)

Josh's favorite picture of his daring stunt hanging through a bridge!

Jeff, Josh and Grandpa Don went on the annual father & sons camp out last weekend. It is a much anticipated ritual that Josh thoroughly enjoys. With no women around to nag them these guys get to really let loose! So what do they do up there? Well, this year I had Jeff take the camera to document the event. Boys will be boys even if they are BIG boys. Josh came home with stories of homemade bottle rockets, daring stunts, manly games, and adventures in the wild mountains. O.K., so maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it is how he remembers the trip! Thanks to Grandpa Don for all the work in getting ready for the big camp out. I know all the boys really enjoyed it!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Fun at the Splash Pad!

The kids have been loving the Splash Pad in South Ogden. I love it too, especially since it is free! I sure hope we see more of these in the future. Yesterday we grabbed some lunch and headed to the Splash Pad with the cousins. They had a great time getting wet and then playing on the playground until they were too hot. Then they would go back and get wet again. Josh loved the buckets that dumped water on his head. Kayden and Skylar liked the water shooters and Katie spent most of her time running around trying to avoid the water shooters. Grandma Dianne and Grandpa Ross got to come too and enjoyed watching all the kids.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


The kids have been begging to go swimming at the North Shore Pool all summer long. It doesn't help that we live within walking distance and drive by almost daily. Since the cousins are in town we decided that we would finally cave and go to the pool. It was lots of fun, only next time I am not going to even tell Josh until we are ready to go. I think he asked me when dinner was about 47 times. (I had told him we would go after dinner.) The kids had an absolute blast and unfortunatly I did not get any pictures. I know, bad mommy. Tommorrow I will have some cute pictures though.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cancer Free!!!!

Congratulation to my mom! Today she went in for a check up and got the official word- Cancer free!!! We knew all along that you would beat it mom! You are too tough and too many people still need you! We love you!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Fun with the cousins

It has been 2 years since Katie & Josh have seen their cousins! After a few shy minutes they were running around, in and out of the house, and having a blast! I think I even recruited a new hoop groupie! Kayden had never tried it before, but the kid has some talent. Josh tried to eat as much corn as Skylar and I think he came pretty close. Now if we could get Skylar to eat some broccoli in front of Josh we'd be in business! We also got to meet a new cousin, Logan. He is 10 months old and this is the first time we have got to see him! He is full of smiles and totally sweet!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Farmers Market

I have decided to take the plunge and sell at the farmer's market this year. I only found out I had been accepted about 10 days before it started. So one of the reasons I haven't posted much lately is that I have been making hoops like crazy! The whole family got up early and came down with me to help set up, even though it was Jeff's birthday. (What a great husband I have!) Katie stayed with me the whole morning. We had a great time watching all the dogs and people go by. She was a great advertiser too. She got out on the sidewalk and hooped for most of the day, until she got sore. I got out and hooped a bit too. It was a little scary, I mean seriously I was hooping on 25th street in front of hundreds of strangers!!! We had a shaky start but after a pep talk and my first sale from a great friend, we had a fabulous day and I am glad I didn't pack up and leave at 8:30 like I was tempeted to do! At the end of the day we sold 11 hoops and I will be back to do it again on saturday and most saturdays this summer. Come down and visit us some time!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Independence Day

What is Independence Day? That is the question that my son asked on the morning of July 4th as we were walking to the Cherry Days Parade in North Ogden. I realized that the 4th of July had become fireworks, hamburgers and a parade with insane amounts of taffy being thrown! Well we will have to work on the "why" we do all that with Josh. He is young still but I can't think of a better way to celebrate the independence of our country than with fireworks, hamburgers and a parade, unless they threw out insane amounts of chocolate instead of taffy. The kids had a great time playing in the water at grandma and grandpa's house. We wish little Elliot could have been there too, that would have been even better than the chocolate!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Katie's 9th Birthday

Not the best picture, but I had to post it!

Katie's birthday party was lots of fun! I loved having it at a place where the kids could all run around and have fun. And the adults could sit around and talk. I found that I was running around alot of the time too. I wanted to get some cute pictures of all the kids playing and having fun! Be sure to check out the picture of the tall, bald kid having a blast on the skating rink! I think its safe to say EVERYONE had a great time!