Well another year of school is at an end and we are gearing up for summer. The kids had such a fabulous year! Katie has grown alot in her writing and will have to post more stories on her own blog. She is doing so well with her violin and has really found an appreciation for playing it. Josh really started to change this spring and will be ready for school all day this fall. He is starting to recognize words and has an amazing grasp of numbers and patterns. Already I can see how different my kids are going to be. Next year I will be joining the kids at school all day as the preschool assistant. I am so excited to work only when the kids are in school.
It's going to be a fun summer! Katie and Josh have grown up a lot this past year.
We can't wait to visit you guys! and WAHOO two posts in one month, thats improvement and we applaud your efforts!
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