Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Day of School

O.K. so this is really late but here is a cute picture of the kids on their first day of school! They love school this year. I was a little worried about Josh changing to full day but he loves it! Especially math ( he got that from dad, not me!) Katie is one of the oldest in the class and the kids have nicknamed her the walking dictionary. She prefers book worm though. She loves being able to help the other kids.


Julie said...

Great photo and it sounds like her teachers know what they are talking about!

Joye and Don said...

Love the photos and updates. The teachers have their numbers!

Sharilyn said...

I'm sure that having me post a comment is probably a shock... but I "ran into" Emily on Facebook and she gave me the link to your blog. I can't believe -how much your kids have grown up! Has it really been that long?

I've got a blog too, but it is private, send me an email and I'll hook you up.

I'm totally LOL @ your background. It is the one I was using up until I changed it to a Halloween theme for the month.

We really need to get together sometime... we've got A LOT of catching up to do!