Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Independence Day

What is Independence Day? That is the question that my son asked on the morning of July 4th as we were walking to the Cherry Days Parade in North Ogden. I realized that the 4th of July had become fireworks, hamburgers and a parade with insane amounts of taffy being thrown! Well we will have to work on the "why" we do all that with Josh. He is young still but I can't think of a better way to celebrate the independence of our country than with fireworks, hamburgers and a parade, unless they threw out insane amounts of chocolate instead of taffy. The kids had a great time playing in the water at grandma and grandpa's house. We wish little Elliot could have been there too, that would have been even better than the chocolate!


Joye and Don said...

We enjoyed the photos of Katie's birthday party and grandpa skating. The 4th was "good times" also.