Sunday, July 13, 2008

Katie's 9th Birthday

Not the best picture, but I had to post it!

Katie's birthday party was lots of fun! I loved having it at a place where the kids could all run around and have fun. And the adults could sit around and talk. I found that I was running around alot of the time too. I wanted to get some cute pictures of all the kids playing and having fun! Be sure to check out the picture of the tall, bald kid having a blast on the skating rink! I think its safe to say EVERYONE had a great time!


Welcome to Lulu's life. said...

You need to be careful with the tall bald kid....he could break a hip!!! Looks like it was fun. Wish I could have come skating too.

Julie said...

priceless photo of dad!

Lisa said...

Thanks again for inviting us to the birthday party. We had alot of fun. It was really nice getting to chat with you. Lets get together soon. Oh and by the way, i think your dad is awsome!