Friday, July 25, 2008

Fun at the Splash Pad!

The kids have been loving the Splash Pad in South Ogden. I love it too, especially since it is free! I sure hope we see more of these in the future. Yesterday we grabbed some lunch and headed to the Splash Pad with the cousins. They had a great time getting wet and then playing on the playground until they were too hot. Then they would go back and get wet again. Josh loved the buckets that dumped water on his head. Kayden and Skylar liked the water shooters and Katie spent most of her time running around trying to avoid the water shooters. Grandma Dianne and Grandpa Ross got to come too and enjoyed watching all the kids.


Joye and Don said...

Where was all that fun stuff when you were kids?

Welcome to Lulu's life. said...

I wish there was a splash pad here...there is the gateway and liberty park. However I don't enjoy either venue. Maybe I'll have to go play on the splash pad up there.

Julie said...

I love the splash parks, and Elliot is warming up to the idea! looks like they had the place to themselves!

Lisa said...

How fun. They had these all over the place when Ashley lived in idaho. We have been looking for some to go to. Where is this place at? We should meet there sometime.