Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Farmers Market

I have decided to take the plunge and sell at the farmer's market this year. I only found out I had been accepted about 10 days before it started. So one of the reasons I haven't posted much lately is that I have been making hoops like crazy! The whole family got up early and came down with me to help set up, even though it was Jeff's birthday. (What a great husband I have!) Katie stayed with me the whole morning. We had a great time watching all the dogs and people go by. She was a great advertiser too. She got out on the sidewalk and hooped for most of the day, until she got sore. I got out and hooped a bit too. It was a little scary, I mean seriously I was hooping on 25th street in front of hundreds of strangers!!! We had a shaky start but after a pep talk and my first sale from a great friend, we had a fabulous day and I am glad I didn't pack up and leave at 8:30 like I was tempeted to do! At the end of the day we sold 11 hoops and I will be back to do it again on saturday and most saturdays this summer. Come down and visit us some time!


Julie said...

congrats on the big sales! We can't wait to see you in action!

Joye and Don said...

Hey! Remember I sold one of the kid hoops while you were away from the table.

Welcome to Lulu's life. said...

Yay!!! Hopefully I can plan a trip up and do my own hooping on 25th soon!