Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I need your help!!!!

O.k., time to get creative people! I need a name for my tiny, but growing hoop business! I have been trying to come up with something cute but I need some help! Please post your suggestions in the comments or email me. Thanks!


Welcome to Lulu's life. said...

Maybe we should play around with other words that mean wicket! Wicked Wickets-hooping for the alterna-set.

Joye and Don said...

I haven't a clue but I really like the new background for your page. Hipster Hoops is all that I could think of.

:)Katie bug(: said...

hiyahh hoops

Julie said...

I still vote for jasons pick "Frings" Fat Reducing Rings!

hunterrose said...

Hey guys its Jeremy! Long time no talk!! I miss you all. We really need to get together sometime soon. I have a name idea... Hoopla as in knee deep in the hoopla? Hows that for a blast from the past?!